(EISCAR) informations

Effect of intense sport practice in athletes with non-ischemic scar


The presence of a scar, assessed by late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) on cardiac resonance imaging (CMR), is associated with a poor prognosis in patients with ischemic heart disease or cardiomyopathy. But the prognostic relevance of isolated non-ischemic LGE (i.e. with no underlying “labelled” cardiomyopathy) is unclear, and current guidelines do not state on the clearance of athlete with this type of findings as regards to competitive or intense sport practice.


Evaluate the clinical outcome of athletes with isolated non-ischemic LGE with no underlying “labelled” cardiomyopathy.
Determination of prognostic factors based on the baseline inclusion data.


The management of the athletes will be let at the appraisal of each centre, as regards to the initial assessment, the follow-up and the medical clearance for competitive sports participation. Nevertheless, due to the absence of consensus, we propose that the patient should at least undergo clinical examination, ECG, echocardiography, cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) and holter ECG each year. A CMR should be performed at one and five years.


- Any athletes, aged of more than 15 years, symptomatic or not

- In whom non-ischemic LGE with no underlying “labelled” cardiomyopathy is detected on CMR.

- Any athlete with a scare of an acute myocarditis, as it is unresolved whether resolution of myocarditis-related LGE should be required to permit return to competitive sport practice.

Athletes will be defined by a practice of ≥4 hours/week of sport activity and/or competitive sport activity at the time of the assessment which triggered the realization of the 1st CMR.